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Home > Departments > Library > F.A.Q.


How do I get a library card?
    • Live in Gonzales or Gonzales County, or attend an educational institution in the county
    • Have a valid ID or Driver's License and proof of address or proof of enrollment in school
    • Fill out a library card application
What can I get with my library card?
    • 3 DVDs per household (only on an adult card)
    • 3 books, magazines, or audio books
    • 5 downloadable eBooks or audio books
Do I have to pay anything?
    • No, access to all these items are free!
How long can I keep items checked out?
    • Movies can be checked out for 3 days, no renewals.
    • Books, magazines, and audio books can be checked out for 2 weeks, with 1 renewal available.
What if I lose something I checked out?
    • If you've lost an item that you've checked out, you can either pay the price of the lost item, or buy the item and bring it to the library as a replacement.
Do you have printing capabilities at the library?
    • Yes
Do you have scanning capabilities at the library?
    • Yes
Do you do faxing at the library?
    • No
How old does my child have to be to get a library card?
    • You can get a library card at any age as long as the parent has proof of residency in Gonzales County or the child has proof of enrollment at an educational institution Gonzales County.
Can I look at your catalog online?
Does the library accept donations?
    • We accept any donations. If we cannot use it in our library, we place it on the free shelf for others to take as they want.
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