The Finance Department is the administrative arm of the City's financial operations. The department has the responsibility for the City's overall fiscal operations, annual budget development and financial reporting. Fiscal operations include financial budgeting, accounting and reporting various departments in the General Fund and the four Enterprise funds. Other governmental funds include the Debt Service Fund, Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund, GEDC Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Consumer deposits, and a Special Revenue Fund.
The department collects, records, summarizes and reports the results of all financial transactions that occur within the City operations and prepares the City financial statements.
Additional fiscal responsibilities encompass cash management, accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll. The City's investment portfolio, capital assets, inventory, grants, and purchasing are also managed by the Finance Department.
The City's Finance Department works in conjunction with the Administration to prepare and provide financial reports to residents. It is the Finance Department's goal to provide as much information, in a transparent manner, as possible.
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