The function of the Utility Department is to provide the citizens of Gonzales with prompt and courteous customer service while maintaining an accurate and efficient billing system. This department provides the billing and collection for electric services, water services and garbage services.
The Utility Dept. is located at 820 N. Saint Joseph Street. For any questions or concerns please contact us at 830-672-2815 or email mestrada@gonzales.texas.gov
Payments and arrangements for electric and water utility services should be made at City Hall, 820 St. Joseph Street.
For payments by phone, please call 1-855-546-1356.
Service Connection Policies
- 1. Deposit for residential customers will be due upon application for utility service: paid at City Hall with receipt issued to account holder.
- 2. If low-income qualified, deposit may be made in two monthly payments, first half due at time of application, remaining to be billed on first utility bill. Verification of income will be required.
- 3. Non-payment of billed deposit will result in suspension of service until payment is made.
- 4. Customers with a previous unpaid account with the City of Gonzales will be required to pay balance before new account can be opened.
- 5. Any time accounts are cut off due to nonpayment, the City shall ensure that the required deposit, past due bill, and reconnect fee are collected prior to re-connection.
All rates and fees can be found on the Master Rate and Fee Schedule which is in the link below.