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City Manager's Office

Tim Crow

Tim Crow

Gonzales Municipal Building
820 St. Joseph Street
Gonzales, TX 78629
Gonzales City Manager

The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to serve as the chief administrative and executive officer of the city. The City Manager's duties include:

  • Appoint, and when necessary for the welfare of the city, remove any employee of the city, except as otherwise provided by the City Charter.
  • Prepare the budget annually and submit it to the City Council, and be responsible for its administration after adoption.
  • Prepare and submit to the City Council as of the end of the fiscal year a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the city for the preceding year.
  • Keep the City Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the city and make such recommendations as may seem desirable.

The City Manager may be contacted by telephone at 830-672-2815, by fax at 830-672-2813, or e-mail at citymanager@gonzales.texas.gov.

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