Since 1981, Texas Main Street communities have reported more than $4.5 billion in reinvestment into their historic downtowns, as well as reporting the creation of 10,560 small businesses and 42,546 jobs. During 2019, the 89 designated Main Street communities in Texas reported more than $315 million in reinvestment; the creation of 2,007 jobs; and 508 small businesses.
The TMSP was one of the first state-coordinating programs in the country, accepting its first local programs in 1981. Local Main Street programs focus on responsibly utilizing a community’s historic assets in its downtown for economic benefit and increased quality of life. Over those four decades, 180 communities have been accepted in the state program. There are currently 89 designated communities in Texas. Main Street communities are selected through an application process. Additional information can be found on the THC website at Additional information about the national Main Street effort – Main Street America™ can be found at